Compare Electronic Components using AI

When you need a quick comparison of a suggested alternate electronic component there's no faster or better way to do it than with AI.


Today we're going to look at a common situation facing electronic component buyers, and that's a situation where you're looking for a particular part number and a supplier contacts you and says, well how about this other part number? And now you've got to decide is this worth sending on to engineering.

So we're going to ask Snapchat to do the comparison. We're going to pretend we're looking today for an AD7685ARMRL7 and that a supplier has reached out and said how about another part number?

And so we're going to say to Snapchat, could you compare to the part number the supplier suggested, which is the ARM suffix. And now Snapchat is going to go out and think about that, and it's going to come back and tell us some differences.

As we scan down here, we're going to see everything's pretty much the same except the RoHS status. The suggested part is not RoHS compliant. So this one won't work. That's how fast and easy it is using AI to solve your comparison problem. 




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